29 March 2011
Holiday Lookbook!

Rolling Stone-r
Rumour is those hotpants are sprayed on....if only! (girl crush)
Images - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1370795/Rihannas-Rolling-Stone-cover-Cheeky-singer-wears-racy-spray-hot-pants.html?ito=feeds-newsxml
23 March 2011
Farewell to a Style Icon
17 March 2011
Check out the Beaut!
Images - http://www.vogue.com/magazine/article/rihanna-living-out-loud/#
10 March 2011
Belle Amour
Belle wore a beautifully sculpted array of dresses starting with her lace & shift combo - interesting folds, semi japanese like with a lace paneled stomach - accessorised with a running theme balled necklace & big earrings....- p.s I LOVE LOVE LOVE the way Billie (I say Billie as I think thats her touch to the character) holds her bag, I always hold mine like that & I have to say it just oozes sexual POWER!
Her second outfit was another sculptural manterpiece, complete with ball earrings & giant flower headpiece (similer to the sneak preview in series 3 after seeing her book in the bookshop window)...Belle definatley wins the Good vs Evil showdown of outfits....Charlotte did put a very one sided but good fight if gold pvc is your thing you go for it, I just think on my figure it would show every single flaw - but shes slim and fabulous so she carries it of with her sexual prower...
8 March 2011
International Womens Day!

In 100 years you would think that society has come along way and we have as undoubtedly millions of women’s lives have been improved and saved thanks to the dedication and sacrifice of women like Emily Davison; a suffragette who once hid in the houses of parliament and who died after stepping out in front of the Kings horse while campaigning for women’s rights in 1913. Unfortunately there are still inequalities in the UK and globally with women still underrepresented in boardrooms and parliament – currently in Westminster there are more MP’s called Nick or Dave than there are women?! How is that possible....
Despite the UK being a westernised country with equal rights legislations there is still a huge gap between men and women. If you’re at work look around and do a quick bit of maths – are there more women or men and who out of the genders earns more? It’s glaringly obvious in my office (currently out of about 30 people 26 are men with 2 of the women either having admin/secretarial roles) as I’m sure it is in most.

Women are still behind in pay and positions with women earning on average 16% less than men and making up only 12% of the UK boardrooms. The workplace is not the only place were women are suffering, 90% of victims of domestic violence are women and the UK conviction rate of rape is just 6.5%.
“Women perform 66% of the world’s work, produce 50% of the food, but earn 10% of the income and own 1% of the property.” (Unicef)

In the UK there seems to be a rise in women who are happy to play dumb to please a man or who have a life ambition to be a WAG (here’s an idea get your own life...) which kind of sets us back in the fight for feminism. If you look to the lesser developed world and to countries in Africa like Darfur, Chad and Mozambique women face a daily battle for basic human rights let alone women’s rights through simple tasks such as trying to avoid being raped when collecting water, as well as violence, murder and genital mutilation.

So in the UK we are lucky to be in a country where women’s rights are recognised and equality is set out in the legal system, but remember that it is us women that got us here and we have to fight if we want it to stay that way – support International Women’s Day!
There are a range of events going on in Brum to mark the Centenary of International Women’s Day see the full list here; http://www.internationalwomensday.com/search.asp
If you want to read more there is a great article here (this is what inspired me to write this article);
Get involved and read more about how women in Africa are fighting for equality and justice at http://www.thegreatinitiative.com/
Another amazing Charity http://www.womankind.org.uk/what-you-can-do.html
3 March 2011
An Ode to the Great
Lady Gaga & SJP are the exact type of women to be able to carry of a McQueen piece - a strong, individual woman with a large amount of mystique & fantasy. I myself would love the opportunity to see if I could carry it off...
Our own Nichola Burley wore McQueen to the premiere of Streetdance 3D in the summer of last year...let me tell you when she called me to tell me, I was near enough screaming "ALEXANDER MCQUEEN!!! You're wearing McQueen, oh my gosh, I'm so jealous, do you know how big he is??? What does it look like? What colour is it? Oh my gosh, I love him, I can't believe it, when are you bringing it home?!?" - And so on, and so on....I feel sorry for her,ha...but it was beautiful, sheer layers of spiders, haunted trees & bats...beautiful sleeves & a stunning hem...she looked amazing!!!
I cannot describe to you my admiration for him & cannot put in words how much his designs touch me, I can only say I wish I had had the chance to meet him in one way or another as I know he would had been one of the most influential people in my life. He already has inspired me beyond recognition. Thank you Alexander.
Sara (I felt the need for my real name - rather than the fantasy)
Images - http://www.selfridges.com
2 March 2011
Red Carpet Queens!

Ah if only all the celebs could look that good now we come to the flops...I dont say it to be mean or a bitch its jus my opinion and if ya dont agree well thats what the comments box is for...go ahead!

Sooo I dont wanna knock a girl when shes already knocked up ..but I hate Natalie Portmans dress its just soo boring maternity and I dont like the colour either, its a shame cos we all know she is ridiculously beautiful and after seeing Rodartes stunning costumes in Black Swan I was just hoping for something a bit more ....interesting. Bleurgh Nicole Kidman just Yak not even going to say anything more the awful dress and pillow face speak for themself!
Finally we come to Anne Hathaway, another gorgeous girl in a bad dress I think the most shocking part of this outfit is that she reportedly paid skeletal stylist to the stars Rachel Zoe a 6 figure sum to dress her for the Oscars! (To avoid any confusion yes thats over $100,000!!)
Pictures; http://www.instyle.com/instyle/package/oscars/photos/0,,20459085_20469421_20917506,00.html
Ring a ding ding ding...
My fave look of the episode had to be with the uh-hum (muffles under breath) adult baby....hahaha...
The hairstyle was so 90's but I really like it, I don't think I could work it, but then again if I anyone can get away with weird its usually me??? The sequined half cape daped over her simple black dress looked lovely...I can't help lately I'm a black girl, I just love black on black with black...it flattering, toning & most importantly it shows your solHOuette!!!
This week I stayed up to catch it which killed me as I am so exhausted lately (I have to admit I usually get it on catch up)but I had to get my fix! Note the recurring ball earrings, the fishtail plait, the ballerina trend after the rather embarrassing film "rehearsal", the effortless craved curls, the dark sapphire eyeshadow & Billies favourite outfit from the NY arrival....very SJP in SATC !!!
Again sorry about the pictures, its just me & my phone in front of the tele?ha I kind of like the effect though! ha
Last Saturday('s) Flea
Last Saturdays Flea - 26th February...Lets just say I wore black for a reason, I was in mourning (nothing morbid)It was just a sad occasion that I won't delve into it too much as I'd like to build up some suspense for potential future prospects ; ) But I did pay my respect to those that worked hard & tried harder with my black ensomble (how do you spell that?!?)
Wearing all black works the solHOuette ladies & shows your curves (plus its slimming obviously - a trick I'm favouring lateley - even though I do look quite chubby here, I'm carrying extra weight & I'm not standing very well,haha) By adding a little bit of this seasons hoTTest era 70's hat can make anyone feel like a diva! (not a disco one - hell NO)
I felt really glamourous & girly, and with ma RiRi hair I still looked like a current girl & not like I was in fancy dress (a really big no-no!)
1 March 2011
Jilted Geo

Guys & girls...check out the latest hoodie from Jilted Royalty...you can't beat a grey hoodie on a man & I'm loving the graphics...If I had a man I'd buy it him & the steal it!!! haha
Only £60 & you can see from the pictures the quality is that soft snuggly shizzle (sorry guys, I could man up but I'm feeling very girly right now)
Get to buying people & support the movement! Theres plenty more on thier website...http://jiltedroyalty.com/shop
Images - http://jiltedroyalty.com/shop/product.php?id_product=29
McQueen and I