As a follow up to Ellephant's post - I watched "McQueen & I" on Monday night...TWICE!!! I had to watch it again as soon as it finished I pressed replay. I have to admit I too was a little disresepctlivley & nievely in love with McQueen but had no idea of how long he had been around & how long he had actually influenced & lead the fashion industry. Below are SOME of my favourite pieces of past & present...there are truley too many to show...
Lady Gaga & SJP are the exact type of women to be able to carry of a McQueen piece - a strong, individual woman with a large amount of mystique & fantasy. I myself would love the opportunity to see if I could carry it off...
Our own Nichola Burley wore McQueen to the premiere of Streetdance 3D in the summer of last year...let me tell you when she called me to tell me, I was near enough screaming "ALEXANDER MCQUEEN!!! You're wearing McQueen, oh my gosh, I'm so jealous, do you know how big he is??? What does it look like? What colour is it? Oh my gosh, I love him, I can't believe it, when are you bringing it home?!?" - And so on, and so on....I feel sorry for her,ha...but it was beautiful, sheer layers of spiders, haunted trees & bats...beautiful sleeves & a stunning hem...she looked amazing!!!
I cannot describe to you my admiration for him & cannot put in words how much his designs touch me, I can only say I wish I had had the chance to meet him in one way or another as I know he would had been one of the most influential people in my life. He already has inspired me beyond recognition. Thank you Alexander.
Sara (I felt the need for my real name - rather than the fantasy)
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